Whether a lawyer who has been holding public office, in a newspaper announcement that he will not be a candidate for re-election, and which is also a factual report of his services as such public officer, should include therein any language which amounts to extolling his professional attainments or ability, or emphasizes his special familiarity with any phase of the practice of law, or is susceptible of being understood as a solicitation of business.
18 Baylor L. Rev. 200 (1966)
A newspaper announcement that an attorney who has been holding public office will not be a candidate for re-election, and which factually reports his services as a public officer, may not extol his professional attainments or ability, or emphasize his special familiarity with a phase of the Law, or include language susceptible of being understood as solicitation.
Canons 24, 39.
Canons 24 and 39 prohibit any such laudation and solicitation. (7-0)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 14 (1948)