Does the use of bold face type business listings by an attorney in either the classified section or the alphabetical section of telephone directories constitute a violation of the Canons of Ethics?
18 Baylor L. Rev. 284 (1966)
It is improper for an attorney to use bold face type in business listings in either the classified section or alphabetical section of telephone directories.
Canon 24.
It is the unanimous opinion of the committee that the use of bold face type by attorneys in business listings in either the classified section or the alphabetical section of the telephone directories constitutes a violation of the Canons of Ethics. (See Canon 24.)
The subject of this inquiry has been previously held by this committee to constitute such violation of Canon 24 in its Opinion No. 107 and No. 155. (See also ABA Opinion No. 284.) (8- 0.)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 191 (1958)