Lawyer A, a member of the Texas Bar and the New York Bar, inquires whether or not it is proper to announce his association in a New York firm with B, a lawyer who is admitted to the New York Bar only, by use of the following announcement card:
Lawyer A Attorney & Counselor
100 Blank Building
2000 Main Street
Middleton, Texas XX 1-1111
announces the opening
of his New York law offices
in association with Lawyer B
Attorneys at Law
200 Blank Street
New York, New York
ZZ 2-2222
18 Baylor L. Rev. 327 (1966)
lt is not improper for an attorney, A, who is a member of the Texas Bar and the New York Bar, to announce his association in a New York firm with B, a lawyer admitted in New York only, by the use of an announcement card listing A's Texas office address and listing the New York address of the firm of A &B.
Canon 24.
There is nothing per se improper about this announcement card and, inasmuch as the committee is not asked about distribution (which is covered in Texas Opinion No. 221), the only question to be considered here is whether or not the card is misleading. It does not appear to be so. There might possibly be a slight inference, when the card is sent to clients and other proper addressees in Texas, that Texas lawyer A is rendering a particular type of legal service, viz., the practice of or consultation as to New York law, and, while no announcement card may list a particular area of practice (Texas Opinion No. 222), the inference here is too slight to render this card defective. The committee is of the opinion that the use of the card is proper. (9-0.)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 250 (1962)