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Opinion 282

Question Presented

The office of attorney S is located in a residential area and it is somewhat difficult to find. S proposes to place a sign on a corner one block away. The sign would carry the name of S, followed by: "Law Office, one block," with an arrow indicating direction. Is it unethical to locate this sign in this manner? If so, what ethically may be done to indicate the location of S's law office?

S's spouse is a Notary Public and also is licensed in another profession. Is it ethical for the sign, described above, to include the name of S's spouse with an indication of the profession and the words ΑNotary Public≅?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 353 (1966)


It is not proper for a lawyer whose office is difficult to find to place a sign elsewhere displaying the lawyer's name, profession, and directions for locating his office, and it is even more clearly improper to use such sign when it also contains the name and profession of the lawyer's spouse and the words "Notary Public."

Canon 24.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 282 (1964)