Does the carrying of the following on the letterhead of an attorney violate any of the Canons of Ethics?
(Name of Town) Lawyers
Since 1840:
(Name) , 1840-1878
"Great Grand Paw"
(Name) , 1878-1918
"Grand Paw"
(Name) , 1910-1950
18 Baylor L. Rev. 209 (1966)
An attorney may not carry the names of deceased relatives on his letterhead.
Canon 24. A.B.A. Canons 27, 29.
It is the opinion of the committee that such listing violates the spirit if not the letter, of American Bar Canon 27, which disapproves of self-laudation, and American Bar Canon 29, which admonishes lawyers to uphold the dignity of the profession. It is also the opinion of one member that it violates American Bar Canon 33, under which the practice of carrying the name of a deceased partner or associate is considered improper after the partnership ceases to exist.
While some members of the committee did not think it violated any Canon, they were unanimously of the opinion that it showed bad taste, tended to lower the dignity of the profession, and its use should be discontinued. (7-3)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 31 (1950)