Is it proper for a non-lawyer law firm employee to use the law firm letter head to write a letter on behalf of the firm's client in an attempt to collect a debt owed said client?
It is proper for a Legal Assistant to write a letter on his law firm's letter head provided that he is a supervised employee of the law firm and that he signs as a Legal Assistant.
DR 3-101 (A)
Yes, it is proper (DR 3-101 (A) ). A Legal Assistant can not be carried on the letter head (Op. 50) nor can he perform acts which the lawyer himself cannot perform (Op. 144). A Legal Assistant employee who is supervised by his attorney (Op. 160) can sign letters on the law firm letter head (Op. 276), if his title, Legal Assistant, follows his name (ABA Op. 1278).
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 381 (1975)