Whether the following newspaper ads fall within the inhibition of one or more of the Texas Canons of Ethics, to-wit:
"Divorce, Family Matters.
1101 Main St. C-7035
Real Estate Matters.
Security Title Co."
"Name Of Lawyer
Attorney At Law
R-6-51711 Construction Bldg."
"Name Of Lawyer
Attorney At Law
710 Texas Bank Building C-3336"
None of the foregoing ads appeared in a section or column set aside for lawyers, and listed as a legal directory or legal guide, but were next to a patent medicine ad and an ad of a watchmaker and jeweler.
April 1947
18 Baylor L. Rev. 196 (1966)
It is improper to publish professional listings as newspaper ads in a section or column not set aside for lawyers and listed as legal directory or legal guide.
Canons 24, 39.
Each of such ads violates Canons 24 and 39. (7-0)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 4 (1947)