Is it ethical for an attorney to have printed in bold, black letters at the top of his personal card, which is otherwise in the usual and customary form, the following: "If a deal is to be made where legal advice is needed see an attorney first, and save."?
18 Baylor L. Rev. 219 (1966)
An attorney may not have at the top of his professional card "If a deal is to be made where legal advice is needed see an attorney first and save."
Canons 24. 39. A.B.A. Canons 27, 43.
It is the opinion of the committee that the use of the language quoted is unethical and violative of Texas Canons 24 (Solicitation. Direct or Indirect) and 39 (Professional Card).
See also the committee's opinions numbered 31 and 40 and American Bar Association Canons No. 27 and 43. (9-0)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 54 (1952)