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Opinion 70

Question Presented

  1. Is it a violation of the Canons of Ethics, when rendering a statement for services, to enclose in the same envelope a mimeographed copy, or a printed copy furnished by the magazine, of an article which the lawyer thinks should be brought to his client's attention, provided nothing is added to the copy, such as the lawyers name and address?
  2. Is it a violation of the Canons of Ethics for the lawyer to mail his client such an article, without a letter or other enclosure, in the envelope which the lawyer uses in his regular course of business?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 226 (1966)


An attorney may not, when rendering a statement for services, enclose in the same envelope a copy of a magazine article which he thinks should be brought to his client's attention.

An attorney may not mail a copy of a magazine article which he thinks should be brought to his client's attention, without a letter or other enclosure, in the envelope which he uses in his regular course of business.

Canon 24.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 70 (1953)